Dustin Willitts - President

Michelle Robindell - Vice-President

Jennifer O’Rourke - Secretary/Treasurer 


Fundraising Team:
TBD ( 

Volunteer Team:
Coordinator - Elisa Au ( 


RNB Dance & Theatre Arts Society's Independent Volunteer Board of Directors is generally comprised of 3 - 11 people, all of which must be current RNB Members (either your child is dancing at RNB or you are an adult taking a class at RNB.) The Directors are independent of the teaching staff, the new Board is voted in yearly at the AGM Meeting.

AGM Meeting: Notification of the AGM Meeting is available on the Website and in the last newsletter of the current year. Two months prior to the meeting, notices will be posted at the RNB studio and via email to current members. All members are invited to attend the AGM Meeting.

***AGM Date: September 2025

Eligibility: Any adult member of the current year of RNB Dance is eligible to submit their name.

Term: 1 (one) year

Nomination: All nominations will be accepted up to 30 days prior to the AGM meeting and must be submitted to, attention - President, Board of Directors.

Election of Directors: At the AGM, all nominees will be given opportunity to present their credentials as to why they wish to be elected and then a vote will take place.